Thursday, September 27, 2007



This controller must operate all of the motors and open and close the arm. It must be comfortable for my team to use. It must be tested in the Monmouth University pool no later than two weeks before the MATEs competition in Falmouth, MA.


  1. Check to make sure each function of the ROV works out of water in the Tech Lab (Left motor, Right motor, Vertical motor, Open/close of arm)
  2. Put ROV into water and make sure all functions work, make sure nothing is short circutted (Tech Lab)
  3. Go to Monmouth University Pool and do all out of water tests again (Left motor, Right motor, Vertical motor, Open/close of arm)
  4. Put ROV into pool
  5. Move ROV around pool
  6. Perform tasks set by MATEs competition
  7. Take notes on how the controller preforms, how it feels, and how easy it is to understand and use. Comment on ways it did not meet expectations and how to fix these problems.
  8. Make sure each teammate and the three team members from the other team test controller.

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